Artistic Team

Constance Hurlé
Set assistant
Ana Luna
Constance Hurlé
Rui Grenha
Alfonso Durán, Iñaki Isusi
Isaura Docampo
Creative Space
Alg-a Lab
Communication agency
Chachacha Studio
“bic in progre[s]”


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‘bic en progre(s)’ is the performative presentation of the poetry collection b/i/c//m.o.r.d.i.d.o., where poetry is accompanied by other dramatic disciplines and live music.

The intention is to approach poetry by way of other senses, to bring it to life through the voice, the body and soundscapes in a mutual interaction. A search/quest for a private/particular/specific dramatic language: neither poetry, “nor dance, nor theatre, nor music, it is something that exists between these things”.

A story about the solitude/loneliness and harshness of the path down which it flees from “normopathy”, of that pilgrim through the emotions of an impassioned life, full of sadness, mourning, yearning, but also sensuality, beauty and, why not, sometimes a glimmer of hope.

Unha historia sobre a soidade e crudeza do camiño do que fuxe da normopatía, desa peregrina polas emocións dunha vida apaixoada, chea de tristura, dó, anhelo, pero tamén sensualidade, beleza, e ¿por que non?, ás veces, un raio de luz.